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[Зу] {weIk 03} n l a. б`одрствование, <ночн`ое> бд`ение (особ. при соблюдении религ. обряда, напр. в канун праздника)

l b. преим. ирл.поминальные обряды, совершаемые родственниками и друзьями у гроба покойного до погребения, особ. ночью

l c. преим. pl, тж. Wake(s) Sunday англик. диал. — прест`ольный {храмов`ой} пр`аздник (в сельских приходах; р Feast Sunday, Dedication Day)


НБАРС: wake1 I n 1. поэт. бодрствование; sleep and wake — сон и бодрствование 2. ирл. 1) бдение (у гроба) 2) поминки (перед погребением) 3. церк. канун праздника; всенощная в канун праздника 4. обыкн. pl диал. храмовой, престольный праздник

also found as Wake Sunday. The local annual festival of an English parish church, originally observed on the feast day of the patron saint but later transferred to a convenient Sunday during the summer. It is often followed by several other days of celebration, constituting a Wakes Week. [D]

Random:  — n. 12. a watching, or a watch kept, esp. for some solemn or ceremonial purpose. 13. a watch or vigil by the body of a dead person before burial, sometimes accompanied by feasting or merrymaking. 14. a local annual festival in England, formerly held in honor of the patron saint or on the anniversary of the dedication of a church but now usually having little or no religious significance.

OED: 1. The state of wakefulness esp. during normal hours of sleep. Obs. exc. in sleep and (or) wake, wake and dream. † 2. Abstinence from sleep, watching, practised as a religious observance: often coupled with fasting. Also, an instance of this; a night spent in devout watching (on the eve of a festival, of the reception of knighthood, etc.); a watch, vigil. 3. The watching (esp. by night) of relatives and friends beside the body of a dead person from death to burial, or during a part of that time; the drinking, feasting, and other observances incidental to this. Now chiefly Anglo-Irish or with reference to Irish custom. Also applied to similar funeral customs in other times or among non-Christian peoples. 4. The vigil of a festival (and senses thence derived). In this use wake is a translation of Eccl. L. vigilia, primarily referring to the rule of the early church that certain feast-days should be preceded by services lasting through the night. When this rule had ceased to exist, the vigil continued to be a pretext for nocturnal festivity, and the use of the word wake was extended to denote not only the eve but also the feast-day itself, and the whole period during which festivities continued. a. The vigil or eve of a festival, and the observances belonging to this. Also, a festival. Obs. exc. dial. b. The local annual festival of an English (now chiefly rural) parish, observed (originally on the feast of the patron saint of the church, but now usually on some particular Sunday and the two or three days following) as an occasion for making holiday, entertainment of friends, and often for village sports, dancing, and other amusements. In modern rustic use chiefly pl. in sing. sense and often with sing. construction (cf. the double pl. wakeses, in 16th c. wakesses). The word is now current only in certain districts, mainly northern and west midland; elsewhere the equivalent term is feast or revels. 6. attrib. and Comb. (senses 3 and 4), as wake-feast, -game, -light, _ -meat, _ -play, Sunday, -week; also with plural, wakes time, week.

wake -- a watch or vigil. The name was early applied to the all-night watch kept in church before certain holy days and to the festival kept at the annual commemoration of the dedication of a church. In due course the festive element predominated and the name came to be associated with annual fairs and revelries held at such times. Some towns in the North country still observe local holidays called wakes. In Ireland, the term denotes the watching of the body of the deceased before the funeral, and the feasting which follows, a custom formerly also common in Wales and Scotland. [BD]

¿ 26.03.94 Zu

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