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[Зу!] {wIt $, амер. (h)wIt $} adj:: ~ Sunday = Whitsunday

§  ~ Monday == Whitmonday

§  ~ Week == Whitsuntide

* Пожалуйста, будьте аккуратны с нижеследующими статьями: в них легко запутаться. Общее примечание к статьям, начинающимся на Whit-, а также к другим, подобным:

Все эти слова на Whit- – реалии ихней, английской жизни, и если православные праздники не совпадают с английскими, то тем хуже для первых. Невозможно сказать Orthodox Whitsunday (можно только в кавычках, как можно сказать "Лондон – это такой Париж"), потому что Whitsunday – это один-единственный, уникальный день в году. К счастью для православных англичан, английские праздники, приобретя новые, ранее народные, – а теперь уже "общенародные" – имена, не потеряли старых (Easter – печальное исключение). Поэтому, если переводить с русского/православного, то надо брать слово Pentecost и ни в коем случае не Whitsunday. Подобных слов довольно много: Candlemas, Christmas, и др.

Короче говоря, у праздников надо различать денотат (конкретный день в конкретном году) и сигнификат (что этот праздник отмечает). Candlemas, Christmas, и т. п. имеют только денотат, другие – типа the Conception – и то, и другое. Это сильно влияет на устройство статьи. (Это просто тезисы, которые я постараюсь изложить яснее, если будет время).

Whit Sunday -- the 7th Sunday after Easter Day, also known as Pentecost. In the Christian Church it commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit. The name means "white Sunday", thought to be an allusion to the white baptismal garments once worn on this day. The following day, Whit Monday, is a holiday in Britain. The whole period, beginning with the Saturday before Whit Sunday and extending until the following Saturday, is known as Whitsuntide, or in modern times more simply as Whitsun.

Whitsuntide <J>, Whit(sun) Week, Whitsunday <1>, Whit Sunday, Whitmonday <J>, Whit Monday, Whit-Monday

Whitsun ale прих`одский пр`аздник в Тр`оицын день

ODCC: Octoechos -- a liturgical book in the E.Church which contains the variable parts of the services from the first Sunday after Whitsun till the tenth Sunday before Easter.

Pentecost -- the Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks, which falls on the 50th day after Passover. As the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in this day, the name was applied to the Christian feast celebrating this event, popularly called Whitsunday.

Trinity Sunday -- the 1st Sunday after Pentecost or Whitsun.

Veni Creator -- a Latin hymn to the Holy Spirit. It has been used at Vespers in Whitsuntide since the 10th cent.; it is also used at the ordination of priests and bishops and at the consecration of churches.

Veni Sancte Spiritus -- the Sequence for Whitsunday.

Whitsunday -- the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the 50th day after Easter (see Pentecost). It ranks, after Easter, as the second festival of the Church. In the W. the Vigil of Pentecost soon became a secondary date for Baptisms, with a ceremony resembling that of the Paschal Vigil Service. The association of the Vigil with Baptism survived in the RC Church until 1955.

It begins on the first Sunday in Advent. Sundays have traditionally been numbered through Advent, after Christmas and after Epiphany, through Lent, after Easter, and after Whitsunday or Trinity Sunday.

EB: As early as the 5th cent., baptisms were administered at Pentecost to those unable to be initiated at Easter, and a vigil rite was developed comparable to that of the Pascha. The Anglo-Saxons called the feast Whit Sunday (Whitsunday), from the white garment bestowed upon the newly baptised. The term Whitsunday has been customary in the Anglican churches since the First Prayer Book of Edward VI.

CD: Whit Monday -- the Monday following Whit Sunday. Whitsun -- 1. short for Whitsuntide. 2. relating to Whit Sunday or Whtisuntide. Whitsunday -- in Scotland, May 15, one of the quarter days. Whit Sunday -- the 7th Sunday after Easter, also called Pentecost. Whitsuntide -- the week that begins with Whit Sunday, esp. the first three days.

WEUD: Whitmonday -- the Monday following Whitsunday. Whitsun -- 1. relating to Whitsunday or Whtisuntide. 2. Whitsunday or Whitsuntide. Whitsunday -- the 7th Sunday after Easter. Whitsuntide -- the week beginnig with Whitsunday, esp. the first three days of this week, also called Whit Week. Whittuesday -- the day following Whitmonday. Whit Week == Whitsuntide

BD: Whitsun farthings == Pentecostals. Whitsun-ale -- the most important church-ale. Pentecostals (есть)-- in medieval England, offerings made to the parish priest at Whitsuntide were called Pentecostals, or Whitsun-farthings. The term is also used of offerings paid by the parish church to the cathedral of the diocese. Cp. Dowelling money; Peter's pence; Smoke-farthings.

Al: Whit Sunday, Whitsunday — церк. духов день

Jel: Whit Sunday Пятидес`ятница, Тр`оица (пр`аздник), Тр`оицын день, Воскрес`ение Свят`ого Д`уха, седьм`ое воскрес`енье п`осле П`асхи

¿ 2.04.94 Zu

Русско-английский словарь в помощь христианскому переводчику