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[J] {'esi:n 0349, e'si:n [4, амер. I'si:n 3]}
n [adj ?] l есс`ей [ессейский?]
Д Essenian adj {e'si:ni:qn 4},
Essenic adj
{e'senIk 4}
-- a Jewish fraternity originating about the 2nd cent. BC who lived a monastic
kind of life and who rejected animal sacrifices. They were distinguished for
their piety and virtue and were strict observers of the Sabbath. They were
given to acts of charity and maintained themselves by manual labour, lived in
fellowship, and held their goods in common. Their way of life was akin to that
of Jesus and His disciples. See Dead Sea scrolls, Hasideans. [BD]
¿ 12.09.93 V
Русско-английский словарь в помощь христианскому переводчику