[Зу] {"fi:lI'oVkwI 3} [в 0 нет] лат. (‘и от Сына’) l «фили`окве»
К словам Никейского символа веры (Nicene Creed) Верую в … Духа Святого … от Отца исходящего Католическая церковь, в
отличие от Православной, добавляет и (от)
§ ~ controversy — споры о «фили`окве» {об исхождении Св. Духа и от Сына}; ср. procession
of the Spirit
An argument concerning the
"Procession of the Holy Spirit" that long disturbed the Eastern and
Western Churches, and the differences of opinion concerning which still forms
one of the principal barriers between them. The point was: Did the Holy Ghost
proceed from the Father and the Son (Filio-que), or from the Father only? The
argument basically is this: If the Son is one with the father, whatever
proceeds from the Father must proceed from the Son also, the filioque was first
introduced by the Western Church at the Council of Toledo in 589 and was added
to the Nicene Creed in the 11th cent. [BD]
¿ 14.04.94 Zu, 24.11.95 V