[1] {'fq:<r>s(t)fru:ts 3}
n [в 4 first fruits] l a. нач`атки, п`ервые
плод`ы (тж. перен.)
When will we learn the lesson of Christ not to be satisfied with
the ~s of those who are
sent out to witness? — Когда же мы, наконец, усвоим полученный от Христа урок и
перестанем довольствоваться лишь первыми успехами тех, кого посылаем нести
Благую весть?
l b.
First Fruits ист. == annates
{'fq:stfru:t 0}
the first profitable results of
labour. In husbandry, the first corn that is cut at harvest, which by the
ancient Hebrews was offered to Jehovah. Such offerings became customary in the
early Christian Church. Annates were also called ~s. The word is used figuratively as well in
such expressions as "the first fruits of sin", "the first fruits
of repentance". [BD]
Jel: first {fq:rst 4}
fruits — нач`атки
¿ 21.09.93 V