[Зу] {'gO:dI 03} n l
a holiday, a feast-day;
especially an annual celebration of some event, such as the foundation of a
college. It is also one of the beads in the Rosary marking the five joys or
Joyful Mysteries of the Virgin, and the name given to one of the tapers burnt at
the commemoration of the same. [BD]
¿ 15.04.94 Zu
gauntlets {'gO:ntlIts 04, 'gQ:nt- 4}
— п`оручи
Gaza {'gQ:zq 4, 'gxzq 4, 'geIzq 49} — Г`аза
Gazathite(s) {'geIzqTaIts 9} [нет в 0]
— г`азский (влад`елец)