1. the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe
itself possess souls. 2. the belief that natural objects have souls that may
exist apart from their material bodies. 3. the doctrine that the soul is the
principle of life and health. 4. belief in spiritual beings or agencies.
OED: 1. The doctrine of the anima mundi,
upheld by Stahl 1720; the doctrine that the phenomena of animal life are
produced by an immaterial anima, soul, or vital principle distinct from matter.
2. The attribution of a living soul to inanimate objects and natural phenomena.
3. Extended polemically to: The belief in the existence of soul or spirit apart
from matter, and in a spiritual world generally; spiritualism as opposed to
НБАРС: филос. 1.
анимизм 2.
¿ 04.10.99 V