[Аз!] {"xnTrq'pOsqfI 0} n греч. (‘человекомудрие’) l антропос`офия
а мистико-спиритическое учение Р. Штайнера (Rudolf Steiner; 1861–1925),
утверждающее способность человеческого разума вступать в контакт с духовными
# ~ claims to be [?] a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in
the human being to the Spiritual in the universe. —
# Anthroposophy is
a philosophical system
with features borrowed from theosophical tradition but putting man rather than
God at the center of all things.
— Антропософия — философская система, связанная с теософской традицией,
но помещающая в центр вселенной не Бога, а человека.
a philosophy based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) which
maintains that, by virtue of a prescribed method of self-discipline,
cognitional experience of the spiritual world can be achieved.
OED: 1. ‘The knowledge of the nature of
man.’ Bailey 1742. Also, Human wisdom. 2. A movement inaugurated by Rudolf
Steiner (1861—1925) to develop the faculty of cognition and the realization of
spiritual reality. So anthropo`sophical
a., of or pertaining to
anthroposophy; anthro`posophist,
an adherent of anthroposophy.
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