[2] {'heIdi:z 0349} n l Г`адес, ад,
От греч. слова, соответствующего евр. Sheol; в некот. англ. переводах Библии (и в
античной мифологии) — место пребывания душ после смерти.
Because thou wilt not leave my soul unto ~, Neither wilt thou give thy Holy One to see
corruption. (ASV Деян 2:27)
— Ибо Ты не оставишь души моей в аде и не дашь святому Твоему увидеть тления.
O hell
OED: [in Homer, the name of the god of the lower world, but in later times
transferred to his kingdom abode, or house, so that it became a name for the
nether world; in LXX and N.T. Greek, used to render Heb. sheol, the abode of
the dead or departed spirits. Introduced into English use c 1600, in connexion
with theological controversies about the fifth article of the Apostles' Creed.]
2. a. After 'ades of the
Greek New Testament, and hence in the Revised Eng. version: The state or abode
of the dead, or of departed spirits after this life; corresp. to the Heb.
Sheol. (In the earlier Eng. versions rendered hell, exc. that in Acts ii. 27,
31, Geneva has _in grave'; hence by some identified with the abode of the devil
and his angels.)
¿ 23.09.93 V