Назв. от лат. слова Jube (‘повели’), из фразы Jube, Domine,
benedicere [(повели, Господи, благословить)], возглашаемой диаконом с этой
галереи перед чтением Евангелия.
* Нет в НБАРС, LongPD, Jones.
BritCD: (from the French jube), construction marking off the
chancel, or sanctuary, of a church
from the rest of the interior. Its mature medieval form consisted of three
basic elements: a screen (known in
England as a rood screen); a
gallery, or loft, from which the words Jube,
Domine, benedicere (hence jube)
were spoken; and a crucifix (rood) surmounting the whole. See rood screen.
Random: 1. a screen with an upper
platform, separating the choir of a church from the nave and often supporting a
rood. 2. a rood loft.
OED: [a. L. jube _bid' or _order thou';
said to be from the words Jube, domine, bened_cere, pronounced from it by the
deacon before the reading of the Gospel. (See Myrroure of Our Ladye (1873)
102.)] 1. A rood-loft
or screen and gallery dividing the choir from the nave.
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