* "Хр-во" (ныне Eski Hissar на р. Лиме)
Азаров: Лаодик`ийский соб`ор (состоялся ок. 363-64; шестьдесят правил Л.-ого с.-а the Canons of Laodicea
[оформление?] касаются различных
подробностей богослужебного чина, дисциплины клира, семейной жизни и нравов
мирян, пороков и заблуждений того времени и т. п.) the Council of Laodicea.
Лаодик`ия библ. (город на юго-западе Малой Азии (совр. Денизли, Турция, в 200 км к
юго-востоку от Измира); он довольно рано имел общину, основанную, видимо,
учеником ап. Павла Епафрасом) Laodicea.
ancient name of Latakia. (1. Ancient, Laodicea. a seaport in NW Syria,
on the Mediterranean.)
BritCD: the ancient name of several
cities of western Asia, mostly founded or rebuilt in the 3rd century BC by
rulers of the Seleucid dynasty, and named after Laodice, the mother of Seleucus
I Nicator, or after Laodice, daughter (or possibly niece) of Antiochus I Soter
and wife of Antiochus II Theos. Established as commercial centres on newly
opened or reconditioned trade routes, or as strongholds for the pacification of
parts of the Seleucid empire, the cities aided in the Hellenization of western
Asia and subsequently in the spread of Christianity in the region.
The most important of the cities
was Laodicea ad Lycum
(near modern Denizli, Turkey); its church was one of the seven to which Saint
John addressed the Revelation. Laodicea ad Mare (modern Latakia, Syria) was a
major seaport.
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