* Нет в "Хр-во".
Азаров: лав`або
1. (обряд омовения рук) lavabo; 2. лават`орий (умывальница; чаша, таз для
омовения рук) lavabo, lavatory.
EpiscoD: ...ceremonial washing of the celebrant's fingers before the Eucharistic
Prayer, usually facilitated by a server who holds a basin (the lavabo bowl), a
cruet of water, and a towel (the lavabo towel) and pours water over the
celebrant's fingers as they are held over the bowl. This ceremony is customary
in some parishes and not in others.
1. Eccles a. the ritual
washing of the celebrant's hands after the offertory in the Mass, accompanied
in the Roman rite by the recitation of Psalm 26:6–12. b. the passage recited.
c. the small towel or the basin used. 2. (in many medieval monasteries) a large stone
basin equipped with a number of small orifices through which water flowed, used
for the performance of ablutions.
1. la·va·bo or La·va·bo (plural La·va·boes) CHRISTIANITY religious ritual: a priest’s ritual washing of the
hands and reciting from the Psalms during the Communion service in some
Christian churches 2. basin attached to a wall: a basin with a water tank above
attached to a wall, often used as a planter 3. place for washing in a monastery: a place for washing in a monastery
КармИн: лавабо лат. — умывальник со всеми принадлежностями.
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