Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the
synagogue of the Libertines
(NIV of the Freedmen), ...
disputing with Stephen. (Деян
6:9) — Некоторые из так называемой синагоги Либертинцев вступили
в спор со Стефаном. || РадВ. Но
однажды несколько человек из еврейской секты «освобождённых» затеяли с ним
* Нет в "Хр-во", ХрСл, EncCatHist.
Strong's: AV - Libertine 1; 1 (Деян 6:9) — 1) one who has been liberated
from slavery, a freedman, or the son of a freed man; 2) Libertine, denotes Jews
(according to Philo) who had been made captives of the Romans under Pompey but
were afterwards set free; and who although they had fixed their abode in Rome,
had built at their own expense a synagogue at Jerusalem which they frequented
when in that city, The name Libertines adhered to them to distinguish them from
free born Jews who had subsequently taken up their residence at Rome. Evidence
seems to have been discovered of the existence of a "synagogue of the
Libertines" at Pompeii.
Kauffman: 1. Freethinkers 2. Dissolute or morally undisciplined
persons. 3. (Acts 6:9) 4. ‘Perrinists’
who fought John Calvin's
attempts to reform Geneva 5. Sixteenth-century Antinomians of France, Holland, and Flanders
who held that good is basically the same as evil.
OED: 1. Rom. Antiq. A freedman; one manumitted from slavery; also, the son of a
freedman. b. Misused for: A freeman (of a city).
rare1. 2. a. pl. The name given to certain
antinomian sects of the early sixteenth century, which arose in France and
elsewhere on the continent. b. Later, in wider sense: One who
holds free or loose opinions about religion; a free-thinker. 3. A man who is not restrained by moral law, esp.
in his relations with the female sex; one who leads a dissolute, licentious
life. _Rarely applied to a woman.
BritCD: Perrin, Ami
(d. 1561), Swiss opponent of the religious Reformer John Calvin at Geneva and
leader of the anti-Calvinist Libertines.
... Perrin early
embraced the Reformation and championed the cause of Geneva's seminal Reformer,
Guillaume Farel. Consequently, he opposed the growth of the Calvinist
theocracy, siding with and eventually leading an established party of
moderation, the Libertines. In May
1555 an armed rising of his Libertines was
resisted by the city's government, and he was condemned to death. He managed to
escape to Bern, where, with a few supporters (Fugitifs), he continued a futile
opposition in exile.
Сервет намеренно приезжает в
Женеву, надеясь здесь на успех своей пропаганды, поскольку на выборах в
городской совет победили противники Жана Кальвина - так называемая партия
Либертинцев. (
1541. Триумфальное возвращение в
Женеву по многочисленным петициям магистрата и самих жителей. Продолжение
прерванной работы по реорганизации Церкви и установлению христианского
общества. Нападки партии либертинцев, не желавших реформ, проводимых
сторонниками Кальвина. (
¿ 28.05.01 V