[J] {'lIt(q)l [3, 'lItl 0]} adj
l м`аленький; м`алый
m часто
переводится не словом, а уменьшительными суффиксами, ср. small
§ the L~ Office — служба сокращённого чина, особ. в честь
Пресвятой Девы Марии [?: перевод и др., см.
ниже цитату из EncCat]
§ ~ boys and girls — м`альчики и д`евочки; д`ети,
реб`ята; L нежел.
м`аленькие м`альчики и д`евочки; ср. young
& ~ Bethel, Ektene, Entrance, flock, litany; L~ Sisters of the †Assumption
EncartaWED: little office or
Little Office noun — CHRISTIANITY devotional service: a Roman Catholic office similar to but shorter than a
divine office, especially a liturgical service of psalms and prayers to the
Virgin Mary
EncCat: Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, an
abriged version of the common office of the Blessed Virgin Mary that may have
developed in conjunction with a Saturday Mass in honor of Mary. ... Once
binding on religious and diocesan clergy, the office became a matter of private
devotion only under Poope Pius X (1903-14). It is currently recited by certain
nonclerical religious institutes and by individual members of the laity. The
new Liturgy of the Hours (formerly the Divine Office) provides for a Saturday
memorial of the Blessed Virgin during Ordinary Time, and the texts for it are
drawn almost entirely from the Little Office.
¿ 04.01.94 Зу, 01.08.96 V