[0] {'pa(I)qtIst [3, 'paIqtIst 0]}
n, adj
l a. ист., обыкн. P~ — пиет`ист; пиет`истский
A further adiophorist controversy arose a century later between
Pietists who opposed all secular pleasures such as dancing as sinful and orthodox
Lutherans who accounted them matters of indifference. — Век спустя
адиафорические споры разгорелись вновь – между пиетистами, считавшими танцы и
другие светские развлечения греховными, и ортодоксальными лютеранами, видившими в них предмет,
для веры безразличный.
l b.
н`абожный <челов`ек>; ирон. — свят`оша
Д pietistic adj
* в UseRW — антоним к skeptic, atheist, etc.
~s -- a 17th-cent.
Lutheran movement seeking to revive the life of the Lutheran Church in Germany.
It was started by P.J. Spener (1635-1705) and the name was applied derisively
by the orthodox in the same was as the term Methodist was used in England. [BD]
¿ 27.12.93 V, 14.12.98 V