Мистическое учение испанского каноника Мигеля Молиноса (1627—96)
о том, что необходимое условие общения и блаженного соединения души с Богом —
абсолютный покой, отсутствие мыслей, чувств и желаний.
Quietism — a form of religious
mysticism based on the doctrine that the essence of religion consists in the
withdrawal of the soul from external objects, and in fixing it upon the
contemplation of God; especially that taught by Miguel Molinos (1640—96), who taught the direct
relationship between the soul and God. His followers were called Molinists of
Quietists. Outward acts of mortification were held superfluous and when a
person has attained the mystic state by mental prayer, even if he transgresses
in the accepted sense, he does not sin, since his will has been extinguished.
See Molinism. [BD] [но там же совершенно про другое!?]
НБАРС: quietism {'kwaIItIzm
0} — 1.
филос. квиетизм 2.
книжн. 1) покой; душевное спокойствие 2) пассивность
¿ 25.04.94 Zu