{sq'belIqn 03} n, adj l савелли`анин, последователь Сав`еллия (Sabellius; еретик
III в.); савелли`анский;
ср. Monarchian, Patripassian
Monarchians (also called Patripassians, or ~s) maintained that in the Godhead were modes or operations, not distinct ‘personae’. — Монархиане-модалисты (патрипассиане,
савеллиане) утверждали, что Божество <в Отце, Сыне и Святом Духе> является в различных формах или отношениях, но не в
отдельных «лицах».
Д Sabellianism n
Sabellians — an heretical sect
of the 3rd cent. (Sabellius) [BD]
Modalistic Monarchians (also called
Sabellians), who maintained that in the Godhead were modes or operations, not
distinct `personae`. [DRP-419]
Sabellianism — the tenets of the
Sabellians, an obscure sect founded in the 3rd cent. by Sabellius, a Libyan
priest. Little is known of their beliefs, but they were Unitarians and held
that the Trinity merely expressed three relations or states of one and the same
God. [BD]
¿ 17.04.94 Zu