В Великую пятницу плащаницу (большое, во весь рост, изображение
Тела Иисуса Христа на ткани) выносят из алтаря на середину церкви и оставляют
там для поклонения до пасхальной полунощницы.
ю ППБЭС, "Хр-во", НастКнЦ
(Великий пяток).
Кигай: Служба погребения Плащаницы — The Burial of our Lord
Зу: G
BD: Originally chrisom was merely a
variant of chrism resulting from a
frequent form of pronunciation but later differentiated from the latter when it
came to designate the white cloth or robe worn at baptism. This was used as a shroud if the child died within the ensuing
the Turin Shroud -- the shroud of
twill linen kept in Turin Cathedral and claimed to be that which wrapped the
body of Christ after His crucifixion. The Pope agreed to radiocarbon dating in
1987 … the cloth was dated between 1260 and 1390. There is no historical
evidence that it was known before the 14th cent. Although not accepted by all
the general conclusion is that the shroud is a medieval forgery. [BD]
Al: shroud — I 1. саван 2. возвыш. пелена,
покров a) ~ of mist пелена тумана б) рел. плащаница (тж. holy ~) II завертывать
в саван Shrove Sunday церк. прощенное воскресенье, сыропуст; последнее
воскресенье перед великим постом
Jel: плащан`ица, лазар`ома
¿ 10.09.93 Зу