[1] {'testIN 23} n l испыт`ание [; искуш`ение]
The Christian life is a life of ~. — Жизнь христианина полна испытаний.
# Your own failures and weaknesses and temptations may rise up out
of nowhere and you will face a time of ~
to the very roots of your life. —
#I believe also that we in the West have entered a time of great ~. —
They may come upon us in new ways, they may seem to give sharper
pain and deeper anguish; but fundamentally we are facing the same temptations,
the same trails, the same ~s
that have always confronted mankind. — Они могут предстать перед нами в новом
обличье, могут принести с собой еще больше боли и тревог; но в основе основ мы
видим все те же соблазны, те же беды и испытания, которые всегда подстерегали