[J] {TI'OsqfI 3} n гре÷. l теос`офия
В широком смысле – учение, претендующее на раскрытие
«божественных тайн»; в узком – мистическое учение Е. Блаватской,
соединяющее элементы буддизма, др. восточных религий, оккультизма и
неортодоксального христианства; ср. Anthroposophy.
Д theosophize v
СЭС: 1. в широком смысле – всякое
мистическое учение, претендующее на раскрытие особых «божественных тайн». 2.
Мистическая доктрина Е. П. Блаватской и её последователей – эклектич.
соединение мистики буддизма и др. восточных учений с элементами оккультизма и
неортодоксального христианства.
OED2: слово с XVII века; в узком смысле — о Бёме: The
word was revived early in the 17th c. in Latin and vernacular forms, to denote
a kind of speculation, such as is found in the Jewish Cabbala and is
illustrated by the writings of Cornelius Agrippa (1486_1535), Paracelsus,
Robert Fludd, and others, which sought, usually by the doctrine of the
macrocosm and microcosm, to derive from the knowledge of God contained in
sacred books, or traditions mystically interpreted, a profounder knowledge and
control of nature than could be obtained by the methods of the Aristotelian or other
current philosophy. The name theosophy was often applied specifically to the
system of Jacob Boehme (1575_1624), which, though not claiming to the same
degree traditional authority, was largely expressed in language borrowed from
writers of the school in question. The word has then and since been applied to
more ancient and more recent views having more or less affinity to those
already mentioned. 1. Any system of
speculation which bases the knowledge of nature upon that of the divine nature:
often with reference to such authors as those above mentioned, and more
particularly to Boehme. 2. Applied
to a system of recent origin, resembling the above in its claim to a knowledge
of nature profounder than is obtained from empirical science, and contained in
an esoteric tradition of which the doctrines of the various historical
religions are held to be only the exoteric expression. Sometimes called
Esoteric Buddhism. See Theosophical Society.
¿ 25.06.96 V
theotechny [Al!] — боги как действующие лица (в драме, поэзии и
т. п.) $ Homeric ~
гомеровские боги