* Нет в LongPD, Jones.
EncartaWED: 1. supernatural or divine intervention: intervention of supernatural or divine powers in
human affairs
2. persuading the supernatural to intervene: the art of securing the intervention of supernatural
or divine powers in human affairs
3. magic performed for good: magic with the help of benevolent spirits, as
practiced by neo-Platonists
[Mid-16th century. Via late Latin theurgia from Greek theourgia
“ritual, mystery,” from theos “god” +
ergon “work.”]
1. a system of beneficent magic practiced by the Egyptian Platonists and
others. 2. the working of a divine or supernatural agency in human affairs.
OED: 1. A system of magic, originally practised by the
Egyptian Platonists, to procure communication with beneficent spirits, and by
their aid produce miraculous effects; in later times distinguished as ‘white
magic’ from goety or ‘black magic’. 2.
The operation of a divine or supernatural agency in human affairs; the effects
produced among men by direct divine or spiritual action.
¿ 16.12.01 V