the Vatican City State -- the area
of Rome occupied by the city of the Vatican, recognised by the Lateran treaty
(1929) as constituting the territorial extent of the temporal power of the Holy
See. It consists of the Papal palace, the Library, archives, and museums, the
Piazza of St. Peter, and contiguous buildings including a railway station, in
all an area of just under a square mile. It has abut 900 inhabitants and its
own coinage. Certain other buildings outside the Vatican enjoy extraterritorial
rights. [BD]
the Vatican Council -- a second
Vatican Council was opened by Pope John XXIII in October 1962 and concluded by
Paul VI in December 1965. Among numerous controversial proposals for change, it
was notably concerned with the need for Christian unity, liturgical reforms,
and matters of church government. One special feature was the presence of
observers from non-Roman Catholic Churches. [BD]
¿ 23.09.93 Зу
vaticide [Al!] — книжн. убийца пророка
vaticinal [Al!] — книжн. пророческий; вдохновенный;
vaticinate [Al!] — книжн. 1.
пророчествовать; быть пророком 2.
vaticination [Al!] — книжн. 1. пророчество 2.
пророческий дар