[J] {'vestrI 23} n l 1a. (тж. ~ room) — р`изница, [алт`арная
апс`ида,] прав. тж.
ди`аконник, сосудохран`ительница [кут`ейник, к`уты]
l b.
прот. — кабин`ет п`астора
l 2.
англик. ист. — собр`ание прихож`ан (орган управления приходом и его заседание)
The Common
{General} V~ consisted of the general assembly of ratepayers and the
Select V~ of a body of
vestrymen elected to represent the parish, the usual procedure in many of the
larger parishes. — В общем «ризничном» собрании прихожан участвовали все, кто
платил налоги; в больших приходах из членов общего собрания обычно избиралось
представлявшее приход «малое» собрание.
In 1921 ecclesiastical administration passed to the newly created
Parochial church Councils, although the meeting which elects the churchwardens
is still called a V~
Meeting. — В 1921 году управление церковью перешло в руки вновь созданных
приходских церковных советов, однако собрания, на которых избирались церковные
старосты, сохранили старое название.
m прих`одское
управл`ение, церк`овный сов`ет
vestry — a room in the church in which the vestments, registers, altar vessels,
etc., are kept and used as a robing-room by the clergy. Some larger churches
contain a priests' vestry, wardens' vestry, and choir vestry. From the habit of
parishioners meeting to conduct parish business in the vestry, both the body of
parishioners and the meeting were called the Vestry. Up to 1894 the Vestry was
the final authority in all parish matters, civil and ecclesiastical. the parish
priest presided over the meeting which elected churchwardens and other parish
officers and the property of the parish was usually vested in the
church-wardens. The Common Vestry consisted of the general assembly of
ratepayers and the Select Vestry of a body of vestrymen elected to represent
the parish, the usual procedure in many of the larger parishes. With the
passing of the Local government Act of 1894, secular Parish Councils were
elected to take over the civil administrative functions of the rural parishes
and in the towns such work was subsequently transferred to Urban Councils. In
1921 ecclesiastical administration passed to the newly created Parochial church
Councils, although the meeting which elects the churchwardens is still called a
Vestry Meeting. [BD]
Al: vestry — церк. 1. ризница 2. приходское
управление; церковный совет 3. собрание прихожан, членов церковной общины 4.
заседание приходского управления или церковного совета
Jel: General Vestry — собр`ание
прихож`ан, чл`енов церк`овной `общины
¿ 23.09.93 Зу
Vestry-Book 1. церк`овная
кн`ига (з`аписи рожд`ений,
бр`аков, смерт`ей) 2. инвент`арная кн`ига
vestry-clerk 1. прих`одский
казнач`ей 2. письмовод`итель прих`ода