* Нет в церк. знач. "Вел-я", НБАРС, АРИст, Random, ХрСл, "Хр-во"
OED: 2. A member of that section of the
Scottish Secession Church, which upheld the lawfulness of the burgess oath:
also attrib. See antiburgher.
OED: 1959 Chambers's Encycl. XII. 309/1 The original seceders_formed
themselves into a body independent of the state church in 1733. The new group
of separatists were divided in 1747 by the anti-Jacobite burgess oath into
burghers and anti~burghers.
Subsequently each of these bodies split into Old and New Lights (1799 and 1806
DRP: ^Burgher.^ Among the various
schism that have divided Scottish Presbyterianism was one that occurred in
1733, when the first Secession took place on the question of State interference
in church patronage. The Seceders believed it demaged orthodoxy of doctrine by
depriving individual members of the Church of freedom to protest against what
were held to be corrupting intrusions. In 1747, within this seceding body a
further schism occurred between two splinter group, the Burghers, who held that
it was lawful for a Christian to take the civil Burgess Oath and the
Anti-burghers who held that it was unlawful to do so.
Kauffman: в the burgess oath были слова,
утверждавшие “true religion
presently professed within this realm”. Burghers считали, что речь идет
о протестантизме, и клятву давали; Antiburghers — что речь идет об Established Church, и от клятвы
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